Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tutorial: Wire-wrap leaf pendant with a gemstone

Here’s another video tutorial for you, this time for a leaf pedant. It’s a simple design, taken straight from nature. It’s also pretty easy to make, so it’s appropriate for beginners too.

You’ll need the following:

- 1.2 mm wire (17 gauge) 

- 0.4 mm wire (26 gauge) 

- gemstone cabochon (teardrop-shaped, with a flat back)

- wire-wrapping tools

Here’s the tutorial:

I hope you liked this video. There will be more to come, so make sure you follow me if you don’t want to miss them. And if you’re interested in seeing more of my creations, you can visit my Etsy shop.

Thank you for your support and have a great day.

My other tutorials:

- Wire-wrap tree ring

- Wire-wrap tree pendant

1 comment:

  1. Simple and elegant. Your instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Thank you for sharing.
