Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tutorial: Wire-wrap tree pendant

Hi, guys! I know I haven't posted anything in forever (a year, to be exact), so I wanted to make it up to you by sharing another free tutorial with you. 

A tree is quite a common design in wire wrapping and, despite there being plenty of tutorials on Youtube from other wire-wrappers, I get asked a lot about how I make my tree pendants. So I decided to finally sit down and make a video tutorial of my own. 

This is what you'll need to make this pendant:

- oval flat-back cabochon

- 1.2mm wire (17 gauge)

- 0.4mm wire (26 gauge)

- wire-wrapping tools

Now I'm a little out of practice with filming tutorials, so I did go out of frame a few times (sorry about that), but I reviewed the video and you can still clearly see all the steps of making the pendant. Here it is:

Let me know if you found the instructions clear and how you own tree pendant turned out. 

If you liked this tutorial, you might also like these two:

Wire-wrap leaf pendant

Wire-wrap tree ring


And if you're interested in seeing more of my creations, please visit my Etsy shop